Author: Rhoda D'Ettore
Narrator/Producer: Sarah Van Sweden

Two Books in ONE!!!

Goin' Postal: True Stories of a U.S. Postal Worker &
The Creek: Where Stories of the Past Come Alive

The first portion of this book delves into the crazy adventures that US Postal workers deal with on a regular basis. From bombs and anthrax, to animals loose in the mail, this look into the world you never knew existed is sure to keep you laughing, and give you insight to the mental affects of dealing with dangerous items, and veterans who still suffer from PTSD decades after the trauma. See how these people have formed a family that transcends race, religion, or creed.

The Creek: Part 1
Love, Revolution Style 
The second book in this combo is a historical fiction that takes place along a creek in New Jersey, just outside of Philadelphia. The book tells three stories, which all take place along that creek, however, they take place at different times.  In 1777, a soldier fighting for our independence falls in love, but he needs to win the war and protect his men before he can get the girl. Can he do it?

The Creek: Part 2
 Only the Strong Survive
The second story takes place during WWI & the panic of the Spanish Flu Pandemic.While people are dying, by both war and famine, one family tries to escape to their retreat along the creek.  Can they remain unaffected?
 This family must also deal with Prohibition, women's rights, and the Great Depression while trying to keep a major employer afloat.

The Creek: Part 3

 Honor Never Fades

The third  story is set on the same creek during 1966-- when a 17 yr old comes home to tell his family that he just enlisted in the US Army. He is soon shipped off to Vietnam, and the family must deal with the chaos of the 60s & 70s. Protests, shootings, and the Black Panthers... can they survive?

Finally, in 1991, some very sensitive children can sense the emotions and people of the past. Be sure to visit 
The CREEK:  
Where Stories of the Past Come Alive 

Narrator & Producer:
Sarah Van Sweden:



 10 Shades of Blush: The Softer Side of Kink  Book 1

Author:  Rhoda D'Ettore
Narrator/Producer: Nadia El-Eben

This erotic fiction depicts women who have been sexually frustrated, deprived, and repressed, but are now expressing the fantasies that have plagued them.

  There is also a chapter for improving fellatio, and a chapter for anal sex for beginners.

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